Ter Manyang Gatwech, the Executive Director of the Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA), (File photo)

Activist condemns arrest of University of Juba female students

A civil society activist on Thursday strongly condemned what he referred to as the unlawful arrest of University of Juba female students by police over unpaid hostel fees.

A civil society activist on Thursday strongly condemned what he referred to as the unlawful arrest of University of Juba female students by police over unpaid hostel fees.

On Wednesday afternoon, officers from the South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS) stormed the girls’ hostels at the University of Juba campus and arrested several female students following clashes between the police and the students over a hike in hostel fees.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, Ter Manyang Gatwech, the Executive Director of the Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA), said the police used excessive force that left several female students injured.

“Four female students have suffered injuries and had their teeth forcibly removed by unprofessional and poorly trained police officers,” he said. “CPA calls on the Inspector General of Police to take action and arrest those men who used excessive force against the female students.”

The activist also called on the university administration to rescind the hike in the hostel fees due to the bad economic situation in the country.

“The University of Juba should take into consideration the current economic crisis faced by many parents in the country and these justifications should be taken into account by the university administration,” Manyang said. “The Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA) demands the unconditional release of these young ladies from police custody. No one should be given special privileges considering the economic hardship experienced by many families across the country.”

“Some families are going to bed on empty stomachs due to the economic hardship we are currently facing in the country,” he concluded.


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