Deadly Gumuruk clashes under probe: official

Authorities in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) said an investigation is underway into last month’s deadly clashes involving two rival Murle communities in Gumuruk County.

Authorities in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) said an investigation is underway into last month’s deadly clashes involving two rival Murle communities in Gumuruk County.

At least eight people were killed and seven others injured when members of the Gumuruk Vevino and Yod areas clashed over the ownership of a piece of land. The clashes started on May 27 till the following day.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Monday, the GPAA Information minister, Oleyo Akwer Nyalus, said the two communities were urged to cease hostilities by a security committee, which immediately visited the incident scene and that an investigation was still ongoing for justice to be delivered.

“The fighting involved members of Yod and Vevino of Gumuruk County between 27 and 28 last month, resulting in the death of many people. On the Yod side, seven were killed and three injured, while one was killed and four injured on the other side,” Oleyo explained.

“The fighting was over disputed land ownership and repeated rustling.”

He said: “As we speak, the area is calm. There is no more fighting and people have reconciled after a security committee led by the Local Government minister was dispatched to the area.”

The GPAA government spokesperson condemned the fighting and called for calm, saying they are committed to delivering justice.

“Our first step was to stop the fighting, which we did. The next thing now is the arrest of those involved in the killing and hold them to account. The two communities were told to communally own the land for grazing and now there is calm.”

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