UNGA president discusses peace with Kiir

Peace and progress were top of the agenda at a meeting between the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis, and South Sudan’s President, Salva Kiir Mayardit on the second day of his visit to Juba.

Peace and progress were top of the agenda at a meeting between the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis, and South Sudan’s President, Salva Kiir Mayardit on the second day of his visit to Juba.

According to the UN Mission, the high-level discussions focused on peace and stability in relation to the implementation of the 2018 peace agreement, humanitarian and development assistance, and support for democratic processes, including elections.

The talks come at a challenging time for the country with slow progress in meeting critical benchmarks in the peace deal ahead of elections, a deteriorating economic situation, dire levels of humanitarian need, and experts predicting extreme flooding in the coming months.

Speaking after the meeting on Thursday, President Francis said President Kiir has an ambition to create a strong, successful and progressive nation in which the people of South Sudan can enjoy the benefits of peace and development.

“Decisions about government policy, whether they be the economy, agriculture, education, those decisions belong, and rightfully so, to the sovereign government and the people of South Sudan. But the UN will continue to be a reliable partner, to walk hand in hand with the government and people of South Sudan in taking the steps and implementing the measures that will be necessary to take this country forward successfully to economic development,” he said.

Meanwhile, South Sudan’s Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Dr. Martin Elia Lomoro, said President Kiir had conveyed a serious message to the UN of hope and determination, and called on the UN to remain committed to helping South Sudan. In return, South Sudan had confirmed its commitment to work with the UN and other international partners to secure a peaceful and prosperous future.

“Many times, we have been judged by people who have never been to South Sudan and many times they have been biased in many things. But we have kept our strong relationship with the UN and will continue to do that because we believe they are here for a mission and, as the UN declares that everyone should be involved in development and no one should be left behind, we believe that working with them at some point will be a change for the positive.”

Mr. Francis also met with other key stakeholders in the peace process, including women peacekeepers and peacemakers. In his discussion with women representatives from civil society organizations, he reiterated the importance of their full, meaningful, and equal participation in political, peace and governance processes.

“We know that when women, in particular, participate equally in these efforts – as they simply must – agreements are more durable and better implemented,” he said.

He described civil society as the backbone of any thriving democracy and essential to promoting social cohesion, reconciliation and inclusive development.

“You bridge the gap between citizens and Governments – amplifying the marginalized and often forgotten or overlooked voices, and importantly, striving to finding solutions that are expertly tailored to local needs and experiences for the benefit of vulnerable communities on the ground,” said Francis. “You are the glue that strengthens the legitimacy of the entire peace process.


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